Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Dear Violet..........

Linking to Violets recent post….

Dear Violet,
I do thank you for bringing up such an interesting topic which I experienced with my first born daughter.

In my opinion, when a woman is strong willed, educated ,and aware of what she’s up against, she will never fall for jerks or control freaks, thus making her life a successful one ie making the right choice

I have daughters and when my first went to university I was such a proud mother. I have always been close to my children but never over protective of fear that they become weak and wont be able to stand up to what beliefs and principles I brought them up with ,mainly of being themselves .

My daughter had always excelled in school emitting herself from partying with her friends and cousins,on the ocasions Only the religious festivals would she attend, to go to her grand parents whom she adored and they praised, for such a beautiful mind and serious commitment in studying. Even her siblings, my younger children in contrast, where nothing to compare to their big sis’s scholastic records. She even had teachers fighting over her to have her in their class! Till this day they have her photo on the school board as being the most brilliant of students, the school had ever had!

Upon entering the university here in Tripoli at Al Fatah , Engineering at that –you’d think that young ladies had better insight than average illiterate, ignorant women who had no chance of finishing college and getting a degree. Little did I know of what my daughter was up against.

Soon she made friends, and all were young men whom she could relate to, needless to say she couldn’t get along with the female engineers. They were so much into catching a man and putting on a show of stupidity and pretense that she just couldn’t stand.

The young men respected her and really enjoyed her presence as their main focus was in passing with the best results. They would gather and study all together.

All fine you might say –till one day she was laughed at for being so into her courses telling her she would never marry a Libyan, and remain a spinster.
Such harsh words, which only emphasized how jealous they were of how well she was doing in her studies and she answered back stating that if all Libyan men thought in the same manner she would not want to marry them and could, have them!
Yes. that was my girl ! I have brought up a lady with principles and priorities, she, the weakest in character of her siblings spoke out. I was so happy and that made my day.

When discussing this issue with my girlfriends many which are multicultural ,some married to Libyans others divorced, we came to a conclusion that men in general , but especially Libyan men, seem to thoughroghly enjoy the intelligence of women ,in everyday co working relationships, while discussing current or past issues- but at the end of the day, that they settle for the stupid ones when marrying , to make them feel grand machos!


  1. Thanks Luna, feeling honored that you found an inspiration for this post. I see that things have not changed at university ... your daughter reminds me a bit of myself and I wish her success in life. Pearl too is taking an immense interest in education and I'm wondering which path she will choose : the hard way or something simpler ?

    Welcome to the blogging world you will find it therapeutic :)

  2. Al Bano Carrisi & Romina Power - Felicita

    "Libyan men, seem to thoughroghly enjoy the intelligence of women ,in everyday co working relationships, while discussing current or past issues- but at the end of the day, that they settle for the stupid ones when marrying , to make them feel grand machos!"

    I hear this statement all the time from the ladies.

    This statement is very misleading, do you think that the lady who snatched the man from the intelligent lady is stupid, how about she pushed the right button and nailed the guy.

    Marriage and Medicine are very similar in someway. Medicine might work on a patient without side effects and not work on other patient, same as with relationship, marriage and love.

    At the same time there is truth what you say, women also expect too much from men and assume that men should fall for them just because the ladies fall in love. Honestly I do not have an answer regarding relationship, love and marriage as each situation differs from one person to another.

    As for Violet talking about her personal experience in university, reminds me of great memories at College of Education in Tripoli University, the only years I lived in Libya besides before I was 6. From the minute I set my foot in college, I knew which girl I wanted, but had to wait for a year and we dated for three years "Libyan Style", she was Palestinian, I do not know why I fall for them all the time.

    When I used to live in the dorms, sometimes she would drop me at my friend’s house or my uncle’s house with her little Seat car. My girl friend would share her sandwiches with me and my friend’s mother who is Italian would feed me lunch or dinner. I owe the two ladies big time for their love and caring for me when my family was living in Cairo.

    "5 or 6 girls took me aside and told me that if you don't secure a guy from the beginning you are not going to get married anytime soon"

    Reminds me every time I wanted to be alone with my girlfriend, I had to deal with her little Mafia friends, they could not accept that she had a boyfriend and they had none.


    Thank you for the post it brought beautiful memories with a sad ending.

    Supertramp - Breakfast in America

    Supertramp - The Logical Song

  3. I can so relate to this topic and thanks for bringing it up.

    grew up in a multicultured way I had no notion of how things were to be at uni -didnt have any intention of finding a husband but of getting a college degree.

    I fell in love with a wonderful man, and we married while still in uni.
    My husband married me for my intelligence and also for being so open minded as I was not a 100% LEEBEEYA !

  4. Salam Luna,
    Thanks for the post and responding to Violet's post.

    It would be a very rare thing for me to ever disagree with MusicLover and this one is no exception. :-) I swear everytime MusicLover reponds and I read his words, I'm shaking my head "yes, yes, yes", and today is no exception....LOL

  5. Musiclover what a sweet story, how come you never crossed my path a university ;) now I know you were too busy .... we would have made great friends you, Shahrazad and I (I think Luna was younger :P)
    Ibee, ML is full of wisdom :)

    PS all guess what the word verification is for this comment ?
    'single' is that not fate or what ?

  6. at the end of the day, that they settle for the stupid ones when marrying , to make them feel grand machos!

    Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating

  7. Violet ,
    The honor is all mine my dear and I wish Pearl all the best,I know she'll make the right decision as shes mamas girl MashaAllah.
    And I dont think Im much older than you lot. Just got married too young :-)but it sure would've been nice if we had all met. Maybe a time machine would be a good opt :-)

    Albano and Romina were my favourites when growing up -so sad they split up 29 years cause their daughter got into drugs and was never found .They were the perfect couple!

    No she didn't push the right button but put on a good pretense, and nailed him big time !

    Another one for is why do very tall men marry very short ladies ???Sorry about your ended romance, wish it had turned out different for you.

    Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating

    "given a choice between happy-go-lucky and picky-but-lonely, happy sounds like more fun"
    I couldn't agree more with the article .Thanks for your comment,
    and for the links.

    You are one of the lucky ones, my dear. Having a wonderful husband is quite rare these days-sorry guys Im generalizing, as most are either control freaks or plain weirdos ! Few remain that are sensitive and understanding.....
    Thanks for your input.

    Yes I agree with you concerning Musiclover ,he is full of wisdom and knows what to say at the right moment,bless him.Thanks for stopping by.
