Monday, 30 March 2009

To All women !

This was passed on to me from a dear friend .....Thanks Anna

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.

Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.


Thursday, 19 March 2009

Happy Libyan Mothers' and Childrens' Day !

To all Libyan Children and Mothers

In Libya the 20th and 21st March Mothers' and Childrens' Day are celebrated at the same time !

In the past I visited many hospitalized children some with HIV others with Cancer. To my knowledge these children are taken care of during these days and I got slapped in the face by many who thought and said I had done it for mere publicity -none of which is true.

I now visit the orphanage and many hospitals at least once a month when I dont have a health issue and can have someone replace me at work.The children are so happy to see me when I visit I have tried in vain to take pics of them but its not permitted.I have also adopted two children from the orphanage with Down Syndrome .The important thing is that they feel that someone cares for them.......

Lolitta Ali ,a good friend of mine and a recent blogger, who writes beautiful poetry ,encouraged me to write a poem for my mother,who is also a relative of hers. I dont think my daughters will follow suite ,or just maybe they will lol we will have to see on Saturday what they come up with ; my bridezillas lol!

My Mama :

My mother is someone who loves me

Who cares for me in every way

She sits down and listens

To what I have to say

She always thinks I'm beautiful

Never puts me down

She always has a smile

To wipe away my frown

My mother is someone who believes in me

Always pushes me to go high

Tells me to believe in myself

No matter what I say

My mother is like an angel

Although without the wings

She tells me to enjoy

Life's most smallest things

I really love my mother

She means so much to me

Mama I really love you

And that's how it always will be.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Libyan Bridezillas ; want them ???

Having daughters getting married is something that every mother wishes to attend while still alive.This has been my wish since I became a mother;to have my nest ,set the wings and teach them to fly to later see them actually fly away !

The girls wanting everything in tip top order screaming when not obtainable,and I get to calm this one ,then her sis then well another problem comes up……blah blah blah

I sometimes panic at the thought of remaining all alone, but ce est la vie !
You have no idea what I have been going through lately for the arrangement of the sala ie the reception hall ,the invites, the tasting of the food some of which was a total disaster. And the postponement; every time we’re ready a death occurs and we have to postpone again!SIGH !

Ah yes ,the zimzamat,have had to reserve the zimzamat( some have told me theyre haram-I couldn’t care less because the same bunch of hypoctites supposedly good muslim are just that, universal hypocruites big time. I listen to my heart and my intuition has never failed me.The party has to be blast so all ladies can enjoy themselves.I usually notice the ones who stated of the zemzamat being haram are the first to dance lol…..when I tell them I thought they said they were haran they reply they couldn’t not dance as the music was great !

A folkloric group of ladies that play and sing old songs some of which can be quite dirty slang wise ,though I do admit they brighten up the atomosphere,and all though they disapprove of them ,dance to their songs with such joy .Hypocrites ?? No, the songs will leave anyone wanting to dance due to their words and husky voices( due to smoking ). They were always provided alcohol in the past ,nowadays its cigarettes only hopefully.

Now my daughter the bridezillas ,they are rushing getting everything in tip top shape . When preparing their suitcases and things they have bought for their new homes ,my eyes became watery and I felt it ,yes deep down in my gut. You grow up your kids ,teach them and there comes a time when they will have to go and you’re supposed to be happy, not that I’m not.

They are marrying great guys, MashaAllah and I do wish them the best in life.My son tells me it’s the fear of becoming a granny that may be the reason for my so called state of mind. I answer it isn’t ,just that my job is done and I have to learn to move on. I have created with Allahs help fine dependable young women whom I have sacrificed my life to and I do not in any way shape or form regret doing so.

May Allah bless them for me as I am thankful for being alive and seeing them leave my nest and make one for themselves..Alhamdulilah.

What more can I ask???

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Dear Violet..........

Linking to Violets recent post….

Dear Violet,
I do thank you for bringing up such an interesting topic which I experienced with my first born daughter.

In my opinion, when a woman is strong willed, educated ,and aware of what she’s up against, she will never fall for jerks or control freaks, thus making her life a successful one ie making the right choice

I have daughters and when my first went to university I was such a proud mother. I have always been close to my children but never over protective of fear that they become weak and wont be able to stand up to what beliefs and principles I brought them up with ,mainly of being themselves .

My daughter had always excelled in school emitting herself from partying with her friends and cousins,on the ocasions Only the religious festivals would she attend, to go to her grand parents whom she adored and they praised, for such a beautiful mind and serious commitment in studying. Even her siblings, my younger children in contrast, where nothing to compare to their big sis’s scholastic records. She even had teachers fighting over her to have her in their class! Till this day they have her photo on the school board as being the most brilliant of students, the school had ever had!

Upon entering the university here in Tripoli at Al Fatah , Engineering at that –you’d think that young ladies had better insight than average illiterate, ignorant women who had no chance of finishing college and getting a degree. Little did I know of what my daughter was up against.

Soon she made friends, and all were young men whom she could relate to, needless to say she couldn’t get along with the female engineers. They were so much into catching a man and putting on a show of stupidity and pretense that she just couldn’t stand.

The young men respected her and really enjoyed her presence as their main focus was in passing with the best results. They would gather and study all together.

All fine you might say –till one day she was laughed at for being so into her courses telling her she would never marry a Libyan, and remain a spinster.
Such harsh words, which only emphasized how jealous they were of how well she was doing in her studies and she answered back stating that if all Libyan men thought in the same manner she would not want to marry them and could, have them!
Yes. that was my girl ! I have brought up a lady with principles and priorities, she, the weakest in character of her siblings spoke out. I was so happy and that made my day.

When discussing this issue with my girlfriends many which are multicultural ,some married to Libyans others divorced, we came to a conclusion that men in general , but especially Libyan men, seem to thoughroghly enjoy the intelligence of women ,in everyday co working relationships, while discussing current or past issues- but at the end of the day, that they settle for the stupid ones when marrying , to make them feel grand machos!