Tuesday, 19 May 2009

To my daughter......

To My Special Daughter,

I got something special to say,

I wish you the happiness,

On this your special day.

The first time that I saw you,

My heart was filled with Love,

But now that you're 30,

You'll need a little shove.

I'd never change a thing in you,

I thank Allah/God you are so fine,

Even when your at your worst,

I'm proud that you are mine.

I know I'm not the perfect Mum,

But It's the best that I can do,

For everyday, I thank Allah/God,

For a Daughter as special as You!


  1. episode 2 :o)

    inshaAllah all goes well with the second happy occasion and may Allah fill your and your daughters days with happiness.

    congrats Mother of the BrideS...

    NEXT! lol

  2. another bride ! Mashallah Luna - so happy for you.

  3. Al

    Thanks and il ughba leek not you but your Aida and Amir InshaAllah lol

    Libyan Violet
    Thanks dear -Hope you see your Pearl happily marrried InshaAllah

